
Top 7 Ways Puppy Training Can Help Your Business

As leaders we always want to improve the performance of our organization. To improve we must release the creativity in our employees, leaders must get involved in their employees’ work. Not everyone knows how to do this, but maybe it isn’t all that different than training a puppy. Following are seven common themes used in training puppies.

Image by kiquebg from Pixabay

1. Have a proper kennel, it should not be too large, just enough space to stand up, turn around and lie down. Most puppies will not soil where they lay. Having too much space in your business attracts waste. Excess inventory, outdated machines, old files, and other junk will soil too large a space.

2. Schedule all feeding times at the same time each day. Companies through Japan have a practice called the “manager’s walk,” where a manager walks through their area at the same time each day. A theme is selected for each walk, asks questions around the theme and shares information. This is a powerful process for learning and sharing information.

3. Spend as much quality time as possible with your new puppy, this encourages him to do the things you ask of him. To release the creativity in our employees, a leader must get involved in that employee’s work. They must follow up on employee ideas and promote employee involvement in the business.

4. First thing in the morning take your puppy from the kennel to the area you’ve decided will be the place for your puppy to eliminate. If your puppy eliminates then praise and reward him. Your business also needs a consistent startup procedure.  Maybe a quick meeting about what needs to be done today to share a common understanding of today’s goals. Be sure to include a review of some of your employee’s ideas and a plan for how you will challenge your people to improve the business. Also, think of topics for your “manger’s walk.”

5. Proper clean-up is critical to proper housetraining. A puppy will return to where he has eliminated before if it is not properly cleaned. Your workplace also needs to be properly maintained. Sort through your materials and remove what isn’t needed. Materials that are necessary should be properly stored, so everyone knows where everything goes. Clean equipment, tools and the workplace. This is a foundation for both safety and equipment maintenance.

6. Prevention and positive encouragement are the best ways to teach your puppy. Once an employee identifies a solution to a problem, put a procedure or fixture in place to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Respond to your people’s ideas. Use praise, show respect, thank them and treat them the way you would like to be treated. See how they ideas can or cannot be implemented and provide positive feedback.

7. Punishment won’t help. Screaming or hitting will only create fear, confusing and training your puppy to soil when you are not around. Enough said.

Author:Chuck Yorke

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