
3 Proven Secrets That Will Absolutely Explode ANYONE'S Income, Guaranteed

I'm going to absolutely show you a simple but powerful way to move from where you are now, into a much higher level of success than you've ever dreamed possible.

My name is Grey McKenzie and I've been successful in everything I put my hand to once I learned to apply these simple principles and techniques I'm about to share with you.

I absolutely guarantee, if you apply what I show you here, you will have more success than you ever dreamed possible.

Whether you're a seasoned business veteran, or just starting out in the world, there are proven ways to fast track whatever goals you have. There are certain underlying principles that will absolutely improve your chances of success. 

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

So lets get to it.

I can tell you in 5 minutes of being around you if you have what it takes to be a success... I'm not bragging, I'll even show you right now how you can tell yourself if you or someone you know has the potential to be successful.

Below, in my opinion, are the two predominate personalities on the earth today... 

Which one are you?. 

The Lion Personality..

These people rarely speak first, they will listen intently to information that is presented to them, and if it makes sense, they will apply what they've just learned to there situation. 

Lions are solution oriented people.

Lions may be afraid of change, but they're more afraid of staying where they are. 

Lions will take a risk if there is a good probability of achieving their goal. They generally are never completely happy with where they are in life, and have a very strong desire to grow and move ahead. 

The Lion is usually always hungry for change and it shows in everything they do. A Lion personality can be aggressive at times, but they are definitely the type of people you want on your team.

The Jackal Personality..

No matter what anyone tries to teach them, they will have a better way of doing it. 

A Jackal is usually living in fear. They are afraid to take chances. They are afraid of change. They are afraid of anything they aren't familiar with. If a Jackal personality is around a Lion personality, they will do everything in their power to hold the Lion back. 

The Jackal type personality doesn't want anyone close to them to improve themselves, they just want things to stay the same. Jackals love to live in comfort zones.  They don't want to stretch out and claim new territory and they're always looking for an easy meal to prey on.

Jackals are the people you MUST ABSOLUTELY AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE if you want to be successful in any area of your life.

Your first step to success is, you need to decide if you are a Lion or a Jackal

If you are a Jackal personality you might as well stop reading right now because I don't want to waste any more of your time. I don't mean to be harsh, but you will read this information and you won't do anything with it.

Is it possible for a Jackal personality to turn into a Lion personality? Absolutely, but generally it will take a life shattering experience to move from a Jackal to a Lion.

Now that you know what personality type you are, lets get down to it.

Here is the roadmap for success in every area of your life...

-- End From The Beginning

The first thing we all need to learn, is to have a vision of where we are going and how to get there. If I dropped you in a strange city, and told you to find a building you'd never seen before, you'd have a very hard time locating that specific building wouldn't you?

Now if I dropped you in the same city and gave you a map and an address, you'd suddenly find it very easy to locate the building... right?

It's EXACTLY the same with ANYTHING you want to get out of life... 

If you don't have a map on how to get there, chances are you never will. So how do you build a map of somewhere you've never been? Simple. Here's how you do it.

Get out a piece of paper and write down the job of your dreams... I'll wait. Don't fudge on this part, DO IT !!!

Ok put the paper aside and read on. You can go back to it later.

Now here's how you create a road map to your dreams. This example can be applied to every area of your life that you want made better. Your health, your marriage, your finances. Anything you want to dramatically improve just apply this simple technique.

Ok just for example sake, lets say you want to be a successful real estate agent. 

Write that down on your piece of paper and then backtrack... WRITE DOWN EVERY STEP IT WILL TAKE WORKING FROM YOUR DREAM BACKWARD... in as much detail as you can think of.

For Example what will you need to become a successful real estate salesperson?

-- Real estate license

-- Decide which real estate broker you want to work for

-- Learn how to get lots of clients

-- Find a very successful real estate person and learn their secrets 

Are you starting to see how to develop a roadmap to your dreams?

Of course your roadmap will have much more step by step details than what we've written down so far. Then go over and over it again outlining every step you will need to take to get where want to be. 

And then once you have the roadmap, you need to plan your trip.

-- Time Management

It doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from, everyone needs to manage their time effectively. Time is the one thing that once it's gone, you will never get it back. 

If you are serious about achieving your dreams, you MUST manage your time and the people you network with efficiently. I highly recommend you get yourself a time management software package. The one I use and highly recommend is called Time & Chaos http://www.chaossoftware.com 

Once you have organized your time and your contacts, the next step, in my opinion is...

-- Find a Mentor

No matter what project you are undertaking, there is almost always someone, who has gone before you. These experts can save you months if not years of your life... 

If you can get your hands on "how to" information showing you how someone got where you want to be, GET IT AT ALL COSTS... source this out with all diligence. This information can catapult you into your dreams faster than you could even imagine.

OK so you're probably saying how can I get someone to show me their secrets?

Believe it or not there are thousands upon thousands of downloadable information products written by experts who have done pretty well everything you can imagine. All you have to do is search them out. Check their credentials, and buy their product.

If it seems to easy, it is... Your only hardship is to investigate the "expert" and see if they really have done what they say they have. If you're not familiar with Google it's very easy to use. Just type some ones name in the search bar and hit search. You'll find out soon enough if they can do what they say they can.

Now go back to the piece of paper you wrote down your dream job and start building the roadmap to your dreams.

I wish you great success in everything you do.

Author:Grey McKenzie

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